Week 4- Experimenting with Colour

This week I wanted to add more depth to my work. The forms that I have been creating have been incredibly interesting and inspiring to me, I just wanted to do more with them. So, the logical next step would be to randomize the colour of the drawing as well as the drawing itself. This was actually a fairly basic thing to do; I simply had to add a variable that would select a number between 1-360 (360 being the full spectrum of colour in the HSB colour palette) and then random colour began to emerge.

I definitely feel that randomizing the full spectrum of colour added to the affect of the piece, thus creating a far more interesting and interactive viewing experience. Yet, I still felt as if something was missing. The pieces that the algorithm was generating didn't quite feel substantial enough to actually exhibit or do anything with.

It was towards the end of this week that I began pondering upon the idea of computer generated poetry. Giving the computer lines upon lines of words and allowing it to create its own poem. Whether this be a separate piece all together or something alongside my drawings I wasn't sure yet but it definitely gave me inspiration for the next few weeks and kept me pushing forwards.

I especially liked these two outcomes that came out as a really rich red colour.
