Week 7- Expanding the Code
This week I focused on my original code; the code that actually does the drawing. While I am happy with the floaty, wistful outcomes of my original code, I thought i would be remiss to not make an attempt at expanding and experimenting with different ways of drawing.
My physical practice is based in abstracted line work, using layers upon layers of lines in order to create an almost topographical drawing. So, with this in mind, I tried simply adding more lines; they will all follow the same randomly-generated pattern and be slightly offset from one another in order to attempt to achieve this same affect.
The drawings that came out of this piece of code were uniquely delicate, the uniformity of the lines alongside the random nature of how the drawing is generated complimented each other beautifully and made some beautiful, interesting outcomes.
This is still a basic piece of code, there is no input so it isn't based on anything other than numbers being randomly generated and applied to the 'canvas'. so, moving forward, I am interested in creating an algorithm that considers certain things, perhaps an algorithm that can interpret a piece of music or the sound of somebodies voice. This is something that will take a long time and a lot of learning, but the beauty of working with code is I am learning so much each and every day that the possibilities and potential of progression is what keeps me pushing forward.
Attached below are some of the outcomes from this week.
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