Week 10- Continuing Python Exploration

 This week was set aside to become more comfortable with Python. I honestly struggled this week; compared to javaScript I found Python to be a bit less intuitive, perhaps because I learned javaScript from the ground up, having never coded before, so to switch to a completely different language before becoming fluent in the original may have been too much to ask.

In spite of these technical issues and teething struggles I still went on to create some more interesting outcomes using Python, however they were still fairly similar to the works of last week. I'm struggling somewhat with relinquishing control again; I successfully did it within my earlier algorithms but I am getting to the point now where I am missing to action of creating, the feel of pen against paper, the satisfaction of mixing and creating colours. But this project is about that exactly: relinquishing control.

Perhaps moving forward I could experiment with some algorithmic human drawing. Working inside a strict set of boundaries, as if I was a computer following code and not straying outside of that. Working in this way will pose even more questions: Will the creation process still feel as engaging? Am I the artist or just the person who wrote the rules? How will it be determined what the outcomes look like?

In a way, the struggles I had this week may lead me down a completely different, yet potentially more exciting and intriguing, path. Here are a few of the outcomes made this week.
