Project Evaluation

 Evaluating this project from a more critical perspective, versus the reflective perspective of the pervious post, will potentially help me figure out where to take this next, what changes to make and how to more effectively showcase what I originally set out to do.

As a whole I am overjoyed with what this project has taught me, the outcomes and the relationships that were created, both with the machine and with my peers through continued collaboration. However, I cannot help feeling certain limitations may have stunted this projects growth and may have restricted me in a few different ways.

This entire academic year has been online for me, meaning I have been restricted to being at my desk, sat at my computer. While I appreciate and am thankful for the different perspective this method of working gave me (this project couldn't have existed without this perspective) I do wish I could have had the opportunity to take this work to larger scales, to experiment with viewer interactability more than via a website and utilized the universities architectural features to create an immersive installation.

I believe I was as proactive and inventive as I could be given the situation and am proud of the adversity that is shown in the works created during this time. I do however feel that during the Kunstmatrix exhibition I should have submitted a video alongside the triptych piece that I ended up submitting. After peer feedback I shifted my focus towards documentation of the process, I just wish I could have done so sooner.

I feel as though my work thrived in the collaborative scenarios. The scenarios I am referring to are both the collaboration project and the public art project, where I chose to continue collaboration with Laura. Within the collaboration project I was introduced to many new experimental ideas regarding methods of working that became extremely valuable to my process and project as a whole later down the line. I feel that working collaboratively this year really pushed my boundaries as an artist and the communication meant a lot to me personally. Working alongside other people was a nice feeling in such a disconnected time that it carried over into my work and fuelled my inspiration.

This project is far form over in my eyes, despite us reaching the end of the academic year. I remain inspired and eager to continue this relationship with the machine and have many ideas regarding where this can go next, especially when considering physical, interactive exhibition settings, I really do feel like the sky's the limit for this method of working. Moving forward I honestly cannot predict where these works may go, so is the nature of this method of artmaking. As technology progresses in the coming years so does this project, I truly see this as a long-term portion of my practice and not simply a project that comes and goes as often has happened to me throughout my artistic journey.

Saying whether or not this project was a success or not is an impossible thing to say definitively, but I feel like it succeeded. I feel i managed to accurately and intricately explore the questions I set out for myself at the beginning and even managed to surprise myself with where my work ended up. At the end of this academic year I overall feel proud of what I have produced and I feel that this relationship I have nurtured between myself and machine will only become more and more relevant and valuable as a point of reference in the history of human-technology integration.
