Week 22- New Public Project

 This week marked the beginning of a new project that will be running alongside my main practice. The aim of the project is to have a work, or series of works, that will appear in a public setting, transforming it's surroundings and interacting in some way with the viewer. Following on from my previous collaborative endeavours I decided to continue working with Laura for this project as we still had some common themes and ideas left over that we were yet to expand upon so it seemed natural for us to work together again.

After discussing different ways in which we can fit the criteria of a public piece of work we eventually landed on the idea of the poster. We wanted to explore the theme of connection in the age of the digital through our collaboration within the context of a poster. To achieve this we decided on a back-and-forth approach of working; one of us making an edit, sending it to the other person and repeating this process until it felt complete.

Our initial inspirations aesthetically were propaganda posters, I was personally inspired by the Russian propaganda during the space race and even propaganda in general because of it's hard-hitting and calculated usage of colour, composition and text. So with that in mind we got to work.

These are our first outcomes which are yet to have gone through the process of being handed back and forth. From our imagery used you get the sense of the dystopian future. Other than discussing initial inspiration we decided to do all of our communication via our work rather than any messaging apps or calls.

Based on our foundational posters I'm extremely intrigued to see where this go and what edits we might make to each others works. I'm excited about the idea that eventually these posters won't belong to one of us more than the other because they will have so many edits back-and-forth that they get intertwined within the larger conversation. I already have so many ideas as to where we can take this and am looking forward to communicating this via the work.
