Week 25: Final Project Post
This week was my final week properly working on my project before submission deadlines and finalizing other parts of this/other projects takes over. Within this week I wanted to culminate everything I have learned in this journey so far into a single piece of work.
To achieve this I wanted to, once again, shift the focal point back to the neutral position of the process. It is important to me as an artist and as a collaborator to fully document the work that goes in and how it is split between myself and the machine. To showcase to the viewer how this relationship works, its symbiosis and its other intricacies. I came to this conclusion via feedback received through the Kunstmatrix exhibition, as some people were intrigued, or even confused, about how my work came to exist.
With that in mind I created a short, stop-motion video that features a distinctly human drawing being created, smudges, fingerprints, and all, that is ultimately completely warped to an unrecognisable glitch-scape by the machine. I wanted it to be clear there was no ill-intent from the machine and that this process was completely collaborative. The video can be viewed below:
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